The impressive popularity of Age of Empires games continues
The Age of Empires series of strategy games has reached a new record for the number of players.
It is no secret that Age of Empires is one of the most successful game series in the world. Now, among the latest news of the game, we learned that the Age of Empires series has reached a new record in terms of the number of players. A recent live stream of the series confirmed that the Age of Rulers games have a combined total of over 50 million players worldwide.
The Age of Empires series has been a commercial and critical success since its launch, and the popularity of this well-known Microsoft series continues. Crossing the number of users of this collection of 50 million shows that Age of Empires still has many fans and is among the best strategy works.
This collection was made available to Xbox users for the first time with the release of Age of Empire 2 Definitive Edition. The release of this series for more platforms increased the popularity of Age of Empires, which led to such an achievement in the number of players. Age of Empires 4 recently made its way to Xbox in an unexpected way.
The developers are thinking about expanding the collection with the release of Age of Mythology: Retold; A work that will be available to Xbox users at an unknown time from 2024, and now it can be added to the list of Steam favorites. During the recent live stream, a new trailer for Age of Empires Mobile was also released.
Considering that there are several expansion packs for Age of Empires games in development, we can expect the number of players of this series to increase even more in the future. Age of Empires games are now being sold at a discount on Steam on the occasion of the game reaching 50 million players, which is a good opportunity for new users to enter the collection.